Section outline

    • Introduction

      This course contains information for planning your own journey. 

      Here you can access and download all the planning documents, you can opt to download the entire pack as a .zip file (full pack download) which contains all the planning documents, or if you only need certain files you can access individual documents from the "Planning files" section as needed.

      Some parts of the planning process contain additional information to help you. This can be found under the "Learning Materials" section.

    • Health and Safety

      The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Aotearoa New Zealand | Hillary Award requires that all Adventurous Journeys are undertaken under the Health and Safety Policies of the participant's Award Unit. You may not undertake a journey without authorization from your Award Leader.

      Auckland Challenge makes these planning resources available to all participants of the Award. Auckland Challenge is not responsible for the Safety of any journey where an Auckland Challenge contracted or employed Supervisor is present in the capacity of leading the journey.

    • The full planning pack containing all the resources and forms you will need (.zip download)

    • This table shows the version history of Auckland Challenge's Plan your own Journey pack

      Current Versions
      Document Version Number Last Updated Content Changes Notes
      Journey Plan JPP-v2.2 2024-06-10 Added clarification of roles within the Adventurous Journey Environment  
      Requirements and Responsibilities JPP-v2.2 2024-06-10 Updated with the new 10 requirements for an Adventurous Journey (replaces 15 requirements)  
      SOPs / _Checklists JPP-v2.1 2024-03-28 Updated with new SOPs  
      SOPs / JPASxxx Assessor SOPs JPP-v2.0 2024-02-21  
      SOPs / JPESxxx Emergency Contact SOPs JPP-v2.0 2024-02-21  
      SOPs / JPGSxxx General SOPs JPP-v2.0 2024-02-21  
      SOPs / JPPSxxx Participant SOPs JPP-v2.0 2024-02-21  
      SOPs / JPSSxxx Supervisor SOPs JPP-v2.1 2024-03-28 Clarification on checking participant training;
      Clarification on participant group sizes;
      Added section on supervisor gear list

       SOPs / JPLSxxx Authorising Award Leader SOPs  JPP-v2.1  2024-03-28  Created
      Child Safeguarding and consent form JPP-v2.0 2024-02-21  
      Incident Report Form JPP-v2.0 2024-02-21  
      Police Vetting Consent Form Null
      Supervisor minimum competencies JPP-v2.0 2024-02-21 Created  
      Adventurous Activities Risk Register Null 2024-02-21  
      (Learning Module) JPLM101: Checking the weather Null 2024-02-21  
      (Learning Module) JPLM102: Risk Management Null 2024-02-21  
      (Learning Module) JPLM103: Emergency Management Null 2024-02-21  
      (Learning Module) JPLM104: Route Cards Null 2024-02-21  

      Historic Versions
      Document Version Number Last Updated Content Changes Notes
      Journey Plan JPP-v2.0 2024-02-21  
      Requirements and Responsibilities JPP-v2.0 2024-02-21  
      SOPs / JPSSxxx Supervisor SOPs JPP-v2.0 2024-02-21
      _Checklists JPP-v2.0 2024-02-21
      Journey Plan JPP-v2.1 2024-03-28 Clarification on responsibility for checking training;
      Updated Supervisor declaration;
      Included ACI limitations;
      Added printable approval form;
      Updated group info table for additional parties
      Requirements and Responsibilities JPP-v2.1 2024-03-28 Fixed missing sentence from AL Handbook;
      Addition of ACI limitations;